Join us for a 3-part series.

What is the connection between your health and the health of our world? How does one "get healthy" when the world around us is oppressive and dangerous? What is your role in this time of deep culture shift?

Join me, Dylan Wilder Quinn and Jennie Pearl as we explore these questions.


The objectives of these conversations are:

  • to shine a light on the connection between health and social justice;
  • to explore the question, "What is keeping us unwell?"
  • to explore how we’ve been “duped” to obsess about health, perfectionism, body shame, etc. which ultimately distract us from ending systemic oppression;
  • to use embodiment, moving slowly, and building relationship to shift culture into one of wholeness and resilience for not only ourselves but everyone else
  • to find actionable steps for participants to take at the end of the call.

While dismantling systems, we also need to be building the world we want to live in. For us white folks, this also involves us taking on the labor of supporting and building skills with each other so that we are centering People of Color-led movements instead of burdening them with our whiteness. Through this process we will also find wholeness and community. While this series is geared towards white identified people, all racial identities are welcome.

This series is part of a larger series of workshops, creative work, and actions co-created with Aaron Johnson and Porsha Beed that focus on Black liberation called Holistic Resistance. For more information, visit

The Details:

  • Thursdays, May 9th, 16th, 30th
  • 6:30-8:30 pm
  • Price: We are committed to being and building an inclusive community and also making the event sustainable for our teachers. Everyone is welcome and to make that possible, we are offering sliding scale pricing. If you are interested but $75 does't work, please email us at
    • $135 Sponsor Ticket (a portion of your ticket subsidizes someone who would otherwise not be able to afford to participate)
    • $100 True Cost Ticket
    • $75 Join us! We are excited you are coming and grateful for your participation in this important work.




This Series is for You IF:

  • You’ve wondered what the connection is between the painful news going on the world and your wellness community
  • You care about the injustices in the world, but are not sure where to start
  • You want to build relationship and connection with other people as you integrate wellness and justice work.
  • You are new to social justice work and are hoping for more introductory information and support


What to Expect:

  • Three 2-hour video calls via Zoom
  • Question-based inquiry and connection
  • Grounding and centering practices for resilience
  • Partner and full group work
  • Somatic work around noticing and undoing racism/ableism/sexism in our bodies.
  • Reflections around next-steps and strategies to stay engaged



Session 1

The Ways We’ve Been Duped: How Obsession with Health Further Fuels Systemic Oppression

Who are we seeing and NOT seeing in our wellness communities? How is this linked to a wider disease (systemic oppression) in our culture that we don’t often talk about? What impact do the following have on our communities: Beauty standards towards women and femmes, emphasis on a youthful look and able bodies, the thin, young white women as “the ideal body,” and not seeing disabled people in wellness communities?  In what ways do we continue to be tricked into not seeing these systems and patterns in our communities? What are some common signs that we are unwell both as individuals and as a community?

Session 2

Examining our Culture: How White Majority Spaces Impact our Wellness Communities

How have we been taught as white people to relate to each other and how does that impact our wellness?  How is racism already present in our wellness communities? How is ending racism directly correlated to our individual and community health?  What can we do to begin to address our racism from the inside out?

Session 3

Finding your Movement: Action Steps for Integrating Social Justice and Wholeness

How do we find resilience in this work? How do we find connection in this work?  How do we integrate social justice into our health regime? How can mindfulness and embodiment create long term resilience and anti-racist patterns in our bodies? What are actionable steps we can take on a day to day basis to enact change and re-write what it means to be well?


Dylan Wilder Quinn (they/he/she) looks to connect deeply with everyone who wants to create a world based in justice and connection that we know is possible. Their combination of life experiences as a childhood abuse survivor and holding both oppressed and oppressor identities informs their liberation work with people across many different identities, focusing first on trauma healing, surviving, and thriving. They believe that connection and closeness are necessary to see oppression crumble.


Growing up in a hyper-racist, hyper-homophobic area, they believe that white people need to connect with each other through support rather than shame and blame to keep each other committed to undoing our own racism and to grow the white anti-racist movement. They are especially passionate about bringing fellow trans, queer, and disabled white people along in seeing how our own liberation and mental wholeness is deeply tied to ending white supremacy, while centering POC liberation.


Read more, including their lineage of teachers and colleagues, at

Jennie circle

Jennie Pearl (she/her) is an anti-oppression facilitator, yoga teacher, and bodyworker, bridging the gap between social justice and healing. She believes relationship is key to dismantling oppressive systems. Jennie aims to build bonds with other white folks and invite them to stay in the fight for justice and equity for a lifetime.


She is the founder of Wake Up, a group for white-identified people to unlearn racism, unpack privilege, and untangle white supremacy from the inside out. They explore how yoga and meditation can help them commit to and sustain the work without spiritual bypassing or diminishing racial justice. Jennie collaborates with a core team of facilitators at Holistic Resistance, whose mission is to build connection as the foundation of all of their work.