You are invited to participate in Collective Health Conversations.
We heal as individuals and as a society when we are in relationship. Through these conversations, I hope we can deepen and broaden our ties to one another and to the brilliance of our own bodies.
We can focus on self-care until we're blue in the face, but if we don't address systemic oppression - sexism, racism, ableism, and others -, healing will be elusive. We are amidst a powerful culture shift. How can we participate? What do each of us have to offer? And how can we heal ourselves as we move towards the world we want to live in?
Let's connect with each other over topics that matter. Let's nurture our own healing as well as healing for those we don't know or don't understand.
If you love to learn and are interested in both connection and community, then you just have to participate.
It's free. It's virtual, so you can participate in your jammies.
Sometimes the conversations will be rooted in a particular book or article, sometimes we'll just show up for conversation. Just show up as you are.
We'd love to have you join us.
The Details:
Collective Health Conversation
"The Body Knows the Way"
Abigail Rose Clarke
on Tuesday, November 12th, 6:30 PM PST.
(it's free)
Thrilled to have
creator of The Embodied Life Method
Abigail Rose Clarke
join us as our guest!

For our fifth Collective Health Conversation, we'll be in talking with Abigail Rose Clarke, a somatic educator whose work has helped me forge a relationship with my body that isn't rooted in Diet Culture. There is another way to live in a body and this way is rooted in the body's brilliance, particularly the way in which the body is shaped by and mimics nature.
I cannot get enough of Abigail's work. It inspires and challenges me, and is so different from anything I've ever encountered; it's a completely different paradigm.
What I appreciate most about Abigail's work is that in this time of deep political and social upheaval, Abigail teaches how, by trusting the body's wisdom, we can envision and create what is next.
She writes:
A revolution, as Grace Lee Boggs said, is an evolution towards something much grander.
And that evolution begins with you. Your relationship to you. Your relationship to your blood, your bones, your heart, your guts. You.
Because when you know how to anchor into the truth of who you are, you will have a strength that is undeniable.
When you know how to root down into what is true, your growth is revolutionary."
I'm thrilled to share Abigail's wisdom and her work with you.
"Your body is the support you need to grow and thrive in a world of endless change."
- Abigail Rose Clarke
Abigail Rose Clarke is a somatic educator focusing on strategic, tangible, embodied methods to create lasting change in our personal and communal lives, rippling out from individual to systemic change. By helping people truly inhabit their own skin and blood and guts and bones she offers a way to re-enter into true relationship with the world.
Abigail holds a degree in Health Behavior from Smith College, and focused her undergraduate work on the use of mind-body modalities in the treatment of anxiety disorders as classified by the DSM-V. Her work focuses on the class and race access barriers to wellness, and the ways wellness and the wellness industry are inherently political, even as the body transcends politics.
In 2014 Abigail began developing The Embodied Life Method. In courses and workshops throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and online, Abigail teaches embodiment as a practice and a responsibility, working with individuals, small businesses, and organizations.
There isn’t a single binary in your body. Nature knows no hierarchy. When we remember that we have more in common with the stones and trees and mossy woods than we do with steel buildings and supremacies of any kind, we live into the future. This is The Embodied Life Method.
Join Abigail's community:
ANCHOR is an ongoing learning community focused on the rehydrating the deep knowing of the body, and cultivating radical change by coming home to our blood and bones.
Steps to participation:
- Most important: Register for our book club meeting.
- Make sure you're signed up to receive emails from me (sign up below) which will explore topics discussed in our book selections;
- LIKE our Facebook page, Growing Health