You are invited to participate in Collective Health Conversations.
We heal as individuals and as a society when we are in relationship. Through these conversations, I hope we can deepen and broaden our ties to one another and to the brilliance of our own bodies.
We can focus on self-care until we're blue in the face, but if we don't address systemic oppression - sexism, racism, ableism, and others -, healing will be elusive. We are amidst a powerful culture shift. How can we participate? What do each of us have to offer? And how can we heal ourselves as we move towards the world we want to live in?
Let's connect with each other over topics that matter. Let's nurture our own healing as well as healing for those we don't know or don't understand.
If you love to learn and are interested in both connection and community, then you just have to participate.
It's free. It's virtual, so you can participate in your jammies.
Sometimes the conversations will be rooted in a particular book or article, sometimes we'll just show up for conversation. Just show up as you are.
We'd love to have you join us.
The Details:
Collective Health Conversation
"Why (and How) You Can Skip the Diet this January"
Hilary Kinavey, MS, LPC, and Dana Sturtevant, RD, MS,
on Thursday, January 9th, 11:30 AM PST.
(it's free)
Thrilled to have
creators of Be Nourished and Body Trust
Hilary Kinavey, MS, LPC and
Dana Sturtevant, RD, MS
join us as our guests!

For our sixth Collective Health Conversation, we'll be talking with my mentors, Dana Sturtevant and Hilary Kinavey, founders of Be Nourished and creators of many programs designed to liberate people from the lies of diet culture. I am currently enrolled in their Body Trust Provider Certification program and it's just. so. good.
The first time I heard Dana and Hilary speak, I experienced a deep inner shift. They used terms like "body story," "body diversity," "body shame," and "body trust." They talked about weight stigma and fat phobia as a social justice issue.
I cannot recommend enough that you join me in this conversation. Diet culture is exactly that: a culture. It's so close, it's very difficult to see. Dana and Hilary will help us begin to unwind diet culture both on a systemic level and on an internal level.
We are steeped in beliefs that body size and health are inextricably linked, and to get healthy, one must lose weight. But "taking care of yourself" doesn't equate with changing your body size. In fact, according to Dana and Hilary, " mentality disregards our emotional well-being in order to reach a goal of becoming smaller in size. We don’t often notice that when we believe 'thinner is better,' we are disparaging the beauty, worth and inherent human value that comes in people of all sizes."
During this conversation we will talk about:
- where the tendrils of diet culture show up in the self-care industry, health-care industry, and at the gym;
- the health risks of weight-cycling
- how BMI is BS
- how to live in your body without a "plan"
- how letting go of dieting isn't the same as "letting yourself go"
- why weight stigma is a social justice issue
- how to care for yourself in ways that are weight-neutral;
- how to build trust between you and your body as a way of healing from diet culture and body shame
- how to change the conversations about bodies
I'm thrilled to share Dana and Hilary's wisdom and their work with you.

In 2005, Hilary Kinavey, MS, LPC and Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD co-founded Be Nourished, a community based outpatient clinic and professional training institute that created Body Trust®—a strength-based, trauma-informed, scientifically grounded healing modality that encourages movement toward a compassionate, weight-inclusive model of radical self-care to address body oppression, heal body shame and associated patterns of chronic dieting and disordered eating. The Be Nourished Training Institute offers programs for helping professionals and educators interested in adopting client-centered, trauma-informed, justice-based approaches to healing—including an intensive cohort-based six-month training to become a Certified Body Trust Provider. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Self, Real Simple, Huffington Post, and the TEDx stage. Learn more at

Hilary Kinavey, MS, LPC is a licensed professional counselor, facilitator, educator, speaker, writer, and activist. Hilary’s private practice, where she specializes in disordered eating and dieting, body shame and weight bias, and trauma, has been thriving for over 19 years. Her counseling framework is collaborative and informed by a relational, systemic and social justice lens. Hilary has additional training in workshop facilitation, mind-body coaching, and is a certified Daring Way facilitator.
She is a sought-after speaker on topics such as weight-inclusive approaches, weight bias, Body Trust® and the intersections of activism and therapy. She offers individual counseling and coaching, consultation, and trainings for organizations and professional groups.

Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD is a registered dietitian, educator, and trainer whose work focuses on humanizing health care. A member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers since 2002, Dana travels around the country training helping professionals in the art and science of behavior change counseling.
As a sought after speaker and writer, Dana advocates for compassionate, weight-inclusive models of care and offers supervision, training, and consultation for helping professionals and health care organizations.

MARCH 11th - 17th, 2020
A FREE online conference for folks looking to divest from diet culture, reclaim their bodies, and explore Body Trust® as a liberatory practice.
For more info, visit
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Steps to participation:
- Most important: Register for our book club meeting.
- Make sure you're signed up to receive emails from me (sign up below) which will explore topics discussed in our book selections;
- LIKE our Facebook page, Growing Health