Join us in a Collective Health Conversation
You are invited to participate in Collective Health Conversations.
We heal as individuals and as a society when we are in relationship. Through these conversations, I hope we can deepen and broaden our ties to one another and to the brilliance of our own bodies.
We can focus on self-care until we're blue in the face, but if we don't address systemic oppression - sexism, racism, ableism, and others -, healing will be elusive. We are amidst a powerful culture shift. How can we participate? What do each of us have to offer? And how can we heal ourselves as we move towards the world we want to live in?
Let's connect with each other over topics that matter. Let's nurture our own healing as well as healing for those we don't know or don't understand.
If you love to learn and are interested in both connection and community, then you just have to participate.
It's free. It's virtual, so you can participate in your jammies.
Sometimes the conversations will be rooted in a particular book or article, sometimes we'll just show up for conversation. Just show up as you are.
We'd love to have you join us.
The Details:
The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love
on Monday, October 21st, at 6:30pm PST.
The pervasive emphasis on thin as ideal threatens the most important relationship each of us have: the relationship with ourselves. The cultural "norm" sets us up for a dangerous caveat to self-acceptance: unless our bodies are thin, we can't love ourselves.
It is time to look at the ways and the reasons so many struggle with body image and body shame.
Sonya Renee Taylor will help us look even deeper and more broadly at the roots that damage the relationship each of us has with our body. This relationship is not just about whether our bodies are thin.
According to Taylor, body shame is rooted in systems of oppression which separate us from our own bodies as well as perpetuate violence "based on age, race, gender, size, ability, sexual orientation, mental health status and all other human attributes."
The Body is Not an Apology is both deeply personal and deeply political. Taylor provides practical tools for radical self-love, opportunities for reflection and inquiry, and finally "Unapologetic Agreements" to help create justice and equity in the world.
"Propogating a world of radical self-love is both a practice of individual transformation and a commitment to collective transformation. It is a practice of personal and global thinking, doing and being."
Taylor is a political and spiritual force and I'm so excited to dive into her work with Karlyn Benn and you.
Click on the image below to purchase your copy.
Thrilled to have
Karlyn Benn, MS, LPC, CHHC
and Body Love Coach
join us as our guest!

Karlyn gets it.
She knows what it feels like to hate your body, to spend every waking moment thinking about food, to constantly compare yourself to others, and to start over on Monday… every week! Karlyn spent years peeling back the countless layers of self-hatred that diet culture had imposed on her and realized that true happiness required shifting her mindset, learning the truth, and loving herself.
Having over 10 years of both personal and professional experience, Karlyn works as a Body Love Coach and Licensed Professional Counselor to help women and girls gain the confidence to ROCK regardless of their weight or body image. Combining both her clinical and coaching backgrounds, she carefully addresses the root causes of her clients’ struggles and helps them to overcome any issues prohibiting them from living wholeheartedly. Karlyn is also a Licensed Body Positive Facilitator and Holistic Health Coach.
Join Karlyn Benn's Community:
Click on the image below to get to Karlyn's website and services.
Steps to participation:
- Most important: Register for our book club meeting.
- Make sure you're signed up to receive emails from me (sign up below) which will explore topics discussed in our book selections;
- LIKE our Facebook page, Growing Health