The hand that rocks the cradle rocks the boat.

Our country is in a place of radical reckoning with its racist roots.
We are not well.
White supremacy culture kills and cheats and dehumanizes Black and brown people, but it lives within and poisons all of us.
And so we must work to get well. Each of us. Me. You.
The United States promotes the myth of rugged individualism. As a result, people with privilege, especially white privilege, have learned to believe that our own wellness looks a certain way, can be achieved through our own individual behaviors, and that it is somehow separate from the health of the collective.
In fact, we've learned to believe it's exhausting, stressful and overwhelming to care for the wellness of the world, that it actually interferes with our own self-care.
This is a belief that requires unlearning.
The truth: individual and collective wellness are inseparable and so we have to build the skills to see and tend to both at once. Wellness and healing are "in the work" that we are all responsible for doing.
CRADLE is a community for people who are devoted to the ongoing practice of collective wellness, a practice that is deeply individual and personal, but impossible to undertake in isolation.
CRADLE is a community where we focus on building emotional, conversational and energetic stamina. Where we learn more deeply how to nourish resilience, joy, pleasure and maturity. We embrace the concept of sustainable changes over time, even while we hold close to the urgency of our times.
CRADLE is a community where we are supported in using the tools we already have, strengthening and sharpening with courageous practice.
CRADLE is a community that names reality: that we all have been shaped by and perpetuate white supremacist culture, no matter if we fully understand our complicity or not. And yet, this is not a class on racism or anti-racism. It is not a book club. It is a community where we will practice inhabiting a place of deep care.
“Nature teaches us that our work has to be nuanced and steadfast. And more than anything, that we need each other—at our highest natural glory—in order to get free.”
Hop in close to the beginning of any session and stay as long as you'd like!
August 17th - September 11th
September 14th- October 9th
October 12th - November 13th
November 16th - December 12th
Sessions loosely run from
new moon to new moon.
Virtual Meetings:
We are playing with these virtual meetings. Last month, we met up every other week, but there was a vote to meet weekly, so we're changing it up:
Tuesdays at 5:30-6:45ish PST
These meetings will be recorded if you can't make live.
Pay what you can pricing:
Suggested prices are as follows per month:
- Reduced rate: $40
- Regular rate: $60
- Community Cradle rate: $80
Please pay more if you can; it will help me make this offering more accessible and sustainable.
If you are a person of color, please pay at reduced rate.
If the reduced rate presents difficulty, please reach out. No one will be turned away.
15% of your registration fee will be donated to
two non-profits working to
support vulnerable community members.
Click on the logos below to read about the work of these organizations.
Black Voters Matter is a non-profit organization created by the brilliant and inspiring LaTosha Brown, an award-winning organizer, political strategist and jazz singer with over twenty years of experience working on issues such as political empowerment, social justice, economic development, leadership development, wealth creation and civil rights.
Black Voters Matter's purpose is to increase voter registration and turnout and advocate for policies to expand voting rights/access, including expanded early voting, resisting voter ID, re-entry restoration of rights and strengthening the Voting Rights Act. We also advocate for policies that intersect with race, gender, economic and other aspects of equity.
BAY AREA BORDER RELIEF is a San Francisco Bay Area 100% volunteer humanitarian organization that serves and advocates for children and families seeking their human right to asylum in the U.S.
On their website they have listed many ways that you can help support families at the border. Please click here or the image above to read more.
what you'll experience...
Monthly themes supported by weekly topics and support to
deepen our collective health practices.
Self-care IS collective care. Collective Care IS self-care.
We will be addressing nourishment and care on multiple levels: spiritual, energetic, emotional, relational, and physical.
Weekly Cradle Community Zoom Meetings with Laura
We'll connect and deepen our understanding of the themes and practices we're exploring.
We'll support one another, challenge ourselves and each other in skill building and raise our collective consciousness.
These meetings will be interactive, with break-out rooms so participants have time with others in the community.
A place to learn and practice wellness.
Together, we will cultivate an environment for each participant to learn, show up fully, imperfectly and authentically.
We'll foster a community where we own our power to create change and promote healing in our spheres of influence.
Cradle Conversations
These pre-recorded conversations will be embedded in the program. The conversations will feature incredible thought leaders who are "way-showers," people who are wise, fierce, grounded and are out ahead identifying a path forward.
They are people who are disrupting white supremacy patriarchal culture personally, socially, and/or professionally.
These conversations will be curated to support the monthly themes. They are designed to cultivate inspiration and courage and provide practices for cultivating individual/collective health.
Click here for more info.
Guided Meditations
Access to simple meditation practices to support you in cultivating calm, focus and clarity.
An easy online learning platform
All materials will be housed on a program called Ruzuku. You only have to register once (I'll give you instructions) and you'll find everything stored in one clearly organized place. No need to track a bunch of emails.
Ruzuku also allows for interaction away from social media.
Collaborative Intuitive Reading
(preferred pricing)
You can also register for an intuitive coaching consultation to deepen your experience in CRADLE, but more importantly, to tap into your higher wisdom and sense of knowing. We will have a short phone conversation to set the stage, and then make an appointment for you to receive intuitive guidance on a topic of your choosing. I can help you in determining the topic. More info to come. This service is offered at a discounted rate because of your participation in CRADLE.
The premises of CRADLE:
We are powerful.
We are co-creators of our lives and the world around us.
We are complex.
So is everyone else.
Over the last few months, my perspectives on social equity and spirituality have undergone a dramatic change. By bringing together articles, speakers, and her own powerful insight, Laura has pushed me to shift my paradigm so that I can lead the change I want to see in the world. CRADLE not only helped me to process what I was experiencing in our rapidly changing country, but I was also able to offer relevant support to my team and colleagues, strengthening our ability to face huge challenges in our organization. - Mary Alice
CRADLE has had a cumulative effect on my attitude and energy, in a way that I feel more empowered and confident. I'm finding myself taking action. It's the subtle shifts in thinking and behavior that are working for me. - Jill
I am so grateful for Cradle. Laura provides powerful content, conversations with people whose teachings are so needed in this moment, and tools to help me inhabit my body and tune into its wisdom so that I can then show up more fully now to do my work in this world. - Barbara
As an integrative medicine doctor and psychotherapist it is very important for me to work in collaboration with other professionals who understand the mind and body connection. Laura Halpin's work with clients encompasses all that is healthy for the mind, body and soul. She is an expert on how to nourish the body. She addresses the importance of how we think and how to live with gratitude. What I truly love about her groups are the support network that develops. Support is one of the key elements for wellness. Laura teaches with grace, a smile, compassion and great flavors!
- Katerina Rozakis, PhD, LCSW, DAPA, BCIM